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Zauberzentrale München Willkommen in der Welt der Wunder

Jeff McBride

Jeff McBride, named Magician of the Year by The Magic Castle in Los Angeles, is recognized as a foremost innovator in contemporary magic.

Was Jeff McBride zum Zauberzentrale-Fragebogen zu sagen hat:

  1. About Magic
    1. Wie kamen Sie zur Zauberkunst?

      I started magic when I was eight years old. I found a magic book in a library that started my adventure.

    2. Können Sie sich noch an Ihr erstes Kunststück erinnern?

      Even before magic shows I was into monsters and collected masks. My first magic trick was taking a pencil and pushing it through I handkerchief. I destroyed many of my father's handkerchiefs before I read further down the page word had an explanation for the effect. That taught me always to read magic instructions fully before proceeding at summation point.

    3. Welcher Zauberkünstler hat Sie bislang am meisten beeindruckt?

      I most impressed by manipulators magicians that you sleight-of-hand magic to accomplish their goals so I grew up thinking of Thurston Cardini he then in New York City I met Jeff Sheridan Frank Garcia and other nightclub performers. Along the way I met Channing Pollock and Richard Ross they made a big impression on me as well.

    4. Was war für Sie das spannendste Seminar oder der interessanteste Kongress?

      My first lecture was Peter Pit. And he didn't teach many tricks but he talked mostly presentation and I found this thoroughly fascinating. It influenced me to blend not only practical philosophy and psychology but also to demonstrate those principles with excellent magic effects. I enjoy watching Eugene Burger lecture. He has a passionate and poetic way of connecting with his audiences.

    5. Haben Sie einen aktuellen Lieblingstrick?

      Card manipulation is my favorite form of magic. I spend more time with a pack of cards in my hand working on new effects and practicing my repertoire than just about anything else.

    6. Welche drei (Zauber-)bücher würden Sie gerne auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?

      GREATER MAGIC by Hilliard,
      THE EXPERIENCE OF MAGIC by Eugene Burger
      and ART AND WONDER by Sam Sharpe.

    7. Gibt es etwas, was Sie an Zauberkollegen stört?

  2. Beyond Magic
    1. Welches Gebiet/Thema außerhalb der Zauberei fasziniert Sie am meisten?

      Currently Internet communications. The Mistry school has created the first online magic school. We are exploring this technology to create better ways to share magic with serious students from around the world. Right now we have 5000 viewers in over 50 countries watching our programs and interacting. It's quite exciting what's going on with our new technology! Also.. I think music as an incredible power to transform people so I utilize live music and record my own music in my shows. My wife Abbi plays drums, keyboards, Harp and write music. We often play music while performing magic…the blend is awesome!

    2. Welche prominente Persönlichkeit würden Sie gerne einmal treffen?

      Robin Williams. He is an extraordinary comedian and actor ..and has a way of transforming himself instantaneously with incredible precision.I have been very blessed to work with many of the top stars in Las Vegas and around the world over the years. I think one of my favorites is opening for Alice Cooper. He is been my hero all my life when I was growing up and it was great to share the stage with him.

    3. Was war Ihr größter persönlicher Erfolg?

      My greatest success has been creating the Mistry school here in Las Vegas. It is one thing to work on your own individual success, but to help somebody else achieve their dreams is quite exciting. I get to help people all over the world do what they love and become better at it. This helps people enrich their lives and that is very rewarding.