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Zauberzentrale München Willkommen in der Welt der Wunder


Daryl, der Goldmedaillengewinner des F.I.S.M. World Congress of Magic, besser bekannt als “The Magician’s Magician” stellt sich unseren Fragen.

Was Daryl zum Zauberzentrale-Fragebogen zu sagen hat:

  1. About Magic
    1. Wie kamen Sie zur Zauberkunst?

      In 1962 when I was seven years old, a friend of the family visited and performed the Svengali deck for me. I will always remember the feeling of astonishment I experienced when the entire deck turned into the two of diamonds! This man gave the deck to me as a gift and from that moment on, I was hooked!

    2. Können Sie sich noch an Ihr erstes Kunststück erinnern?

      The Svengali deck and the force card was the two of diamonds. To this day, the two of diamonds is my favorite card and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

    3. Welcher Zauberkünstler hat Sie bislang am meisten beeindruckt?

      Different magicians for different reasons, but if I had to choose one, it would be Fred Kaps.

    4. Was war für Sie das spannendste Seminar oder der interessanteste Kongress?

      The most interesting lecture was by Alex Elmsley when I was a teenager. The most interesting convention (and I've been to HUNDREDS!) would have to be MAGIC live in Las Vegas.

    5. Haben Sie einen aktuellen Lieblingstrick?

      Daryl's Amazing Acrobatic Knot which is actually just my routine for Pavel's Fantastic Knot trick.

    6. Welche drei (Zauber-)bücher würden Sie gerne auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?

      Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic by Martin Gardner, The Secret Ways of Al Baker, and The Essential Dai Vernon (which is actually eight of Dai Vernon's publications under one cover).

    7. Gibt es etwas, was Sie an Zauberkollegen stört?

      Perhaps there's a bit too much mutual admiration and not enough honest input for improvement.

  2. Beyond Magic
    1. Welches Gebiet/Thema außerhalb der Zauberei fasziniert Sie am meisten?

      I like wooden puzzles.

    2. Welche prominente Persönlichkeit würden Sie gerne einmal treffen?

      Max Malini!

    3. Was war Ihr größter persönlicher Erfolg?

      Earning the F.I.S.M. gold medal and spending time with the likes of Dai Vernon, Tony Slidini, and Juan Tamariz. Beyond Magic — Meeting, falling in love, and marrying my Alison Morgan.