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Zauberzentrale München Willkommen in der Welt der Wunder

Danny Archer

Danny Archer, Geb. am 18.03.1956 in Philadelphia, USA, zaubert seit einem Treffen 1980 mit “The Amazing Brando”. Seit 1995 hauptberuflich als Zauberkünstler tätig. Veröffentlichung von über 20 Tricks und Artikel, sowie einem Video u.a. in MAGIC, Channel One, MUM und Linking Ring. Mitgliedschaft im SAM, IBM und TAOM. Gründer des Magicians Lecture Network und Mitarbeit bei der Las Vegas Magic Invitational Convention.

Was Danny Archer zum Zauberzentrale-Fragebogen zu sagen hat:

  1. About Magic
    1. Wie kamen Sie zur Zauberkunst?

      I was working at a tuxedo shop in Ft. Lauderdale FL, when a gentleman came into the shop and said he wanted to buy four tuxedos. As I waited on him I asked why he needed four tuxes. He said he was a magician and he was goining on a cruise ship around the world and needed different outfits. He also asked for a extra piece of matching material and he wanted say why he need it. I asked him to show me a trick and did a quick coin trick for me. I then asked him the fatal question. How could I learn to do magic? He explained that the SAM was meeting the next night and he would take me as his guest. He did and I met a whole roomful of magicians and the very next day I was at the magic shop (owned by Paul Diamond).

    2. Können Sie sich noch an Ihr erstes Kunststück erinnern?

      Cups and balls. I bought an inexpensive set of Royal aluminum cups and had a ball learning some moves. I also bought Bobo's Coin Magic, Royal Road to Card Magic and a Money Paddle during my first visit to the magic shop.

    3. Welcher Zauberkünstler hat Sie bislang am meisten beeindruckt?

      Juan Tamariz. His magic is fun to watch and absolutely amazing.

    4. Was war für Sie das spannendste Seminar oder der interessanteste Kongress?

      One of my favorite lecturing was seeing David Williamson before his book was released. He was very funny and had great effects. For conventions I would have to say my first FFFF convention. Lots of big names had my head spinning and more magic than I could absorb.

    5. Haben Sie einen aktuellen Lieblingstrick?

      I would have to say my version of the balls and net. The props are small and easily carried, you can perform it for a single person or a thousand people and it looks like real magic.

    6. Welche drei (Zauber-)bücher würden Sie gerne auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?

      The Paul Harris trilogy (I will cheat and count that as one book), The Fine Art of Magic (Kaplan), Expert Coin Magic (Kaufman).

    7. Gibt es etwas, was Sie an Zauberkollegen stört?

      One thing I dislike is people who think they are better than other people. They may have achieved a level of success or fame but that does not make them better than the next guy.

  2. Beyond Magic
    1. Welches Gebiet/Thema außerhalb der Zauberei fasziniert Sie am meisten?

      I would have to say reading, music and golf are my main passions outside magic.

    2. Welche prominente Persönlichkeit würden Sie gerne einmal treffen?

      Among the living: David Letterman and Jack Nickalus. Among the dead to many to list them all but a few are; Houdini, Errol Flynn, Al Capone, Abraham Lincoln, Gary Grant, Leonardi Davinci, Max Malini and many more!

    3. Was war Ihr größter persönlicher Erfolg?

      Being the best father I can to my daughters Nikki and Alexandra and the best husband to my wonderful wife Rayetta.