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Zauberzentrale München Willkommen in der Welt der Wunder

Boris Wild

Was Boris Wild zum Zauberzentrale-Fragebogen zu sagen hat:

  1. About Magic
    1. Wie kamen Sie zur Zauberkunst?

      I was 12 years old. A friend of my father came home after his work and showed me a close-up effect. I did not know that close-up magic was that amazing. I immediately realized it is something I really wanted to do

    2. Können Sie sich noch an Ihr erstes Kunststück erinnern?

      Professor’s Nightmare, done to music. Still very effective for lay people. It is the first trick I ever performed in front of a live audience and I will always remember my right hand shaking while showing the ropes one by one!

    3. Welcher Zauberkünstler hat Sie bislang am meisten beeindruckt?

      Very hard to tell. I think this magician is a mix of several artists: David Copperfield for his showmanship, Juan Tamariz for his amazing character, Daryl for his entertaining power and of course Dai Vernon for his legacy.

    4. Was war für Sie das spannendste Seminar oder der interessanteste Kongress?

      The most unusual Convention is by far FFFF as it is a close-up Convention by invitation only. "Fechter’s Finger Flicking Frolic“ is the certainly the most prestigious gathering of close-up magicians in the world and the only place where you can see, for example, a close-up show with fifteen FISM Winners in a row!! Magic 24 hours a day during three days with the best close-up guys of the moment and legends such as Herb Zarrow or Howie Schwartzman.

    5. Haben Sie einen aktuellen Lieblingstrick?

      Another tough question! One of my last effects called "Very Wild!“ gets great response everywhere I perform it so I guess I would choose this one. "Double Back“ by Jon Allen is also a very strong effect I like to do. But there is one in my book ("ZauberWunder“) which is so close to real magic that I can not imagine not putting it on top of my list: "Pure Telepathy“. A lady looks at one card in the deck and then shuffles it while I turn my back. I come back to her and show her the cards one by one. They all fall on the floor except one: the card she is thinking of.

    6. Welche drei (Zauber-)bücher würden Sie gerne auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen?

      I guess it would be one of Simon Aronson’s books („Try the Impossible“ and „Simply Simon“ are my favorite), one of Juan Tamariz’s books („The Magic Way“, „The Five points in Magic“ and „Sonata“ are the ones I prefer) and „The Tarbell Course in Magic“.

    7. Gibt es etwas, was Sie an Zauberkollegen stört?

      Yes, Jealousy!

  2. Beyond Magic
    1. Welches Gebiet/Thema außerhalb der Zauberei fasziniert Sie am meisten?

      Cinema as the actors pretend to do something which is not real (just like us!) and create emotions.

    2. Welche prominente Persönlichkeit würden Sie gerne einmal treffen?

      I would have loved to meet some magicians who unfortunately passed away before I had the chance to see them. Eddie Fechter and Dai Vernon are two of them. Otherwise, I have already performed with almost all the magic personalities except one: Harry Lorayne. I would really love to meet him one day.

    3. Was war Ihr größter persönlicher Erfolg?

      Being the French Champion of Magic in 1996 was really something strong, especially because I was to first to win this title with a close-up act (card magic). Everything started from there. It’s thanks to this award that I decided to go to the MacMillan Competition and then to FISM.